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TJ Garrett

Born in USA, 1996

Photographer/Cinematographer at Bolder Productions

15 years old


    My name is Tommy Garrett, and I am an aspiring photographer/cinematographer from Davenport, Iowa. I have always been very fascinated by photos, ever since I was very young I would always want to see pictures of myself hitting a small jump or going fast, This followed me my whole life.

   Throughout my whole life I have been very active in my sports which are Motocross, Rock Climbing, Snowboarding, and Mountain Biking. Through exploring the world of these sports I quickly found a common element, This was Photography. I realized this without even knowing because In the time of just enjoying my sports I would always ask my Dad to take my picture. This soon led to him buying a Nikon D80 because he could never achieve the frame rate necessary to catch some of the action on the simple point and shoots.

    He bought the camera not having a clue of anything about photography, but was still able to throw the camera into auto and go out and get a couple shots of me. After a couple of years of this, on a rainy day when I was about 12 years old I asked my dad to see the camera and went outside to take a picture of some dew I saw on a blade of grass. This soon led to an obsession, and thousands of hours/shots/dollars I have been able to take my photography skills to a whole new level.

    Through being an athlete in the sports that I shoot, I already had a lot of background on what looks cool through advertisement and commercial work in these sports. Also with the help of social networks I have been able to be inspired by the true professional photographers and create my own original artwork. 

   With the help of my parents financially I have been able to acquire a great collection of equipment, which has helped tremendously. Also with the help of my Dad and friends as a "shutter pusher" or light holder or any other needed job I am not able to do myself I have been able to create images that would not have ever been possible by myself.







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